Senior parents:  please email photos for the senior video to: By March 21. Please include the words senior video in the subject line. Up to 5 photos will be accepted (1-baby, 1-senior, 3-group/your choice)
2 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Reminder: School PICTURE DAY is Tomorrow Friday, March 7, 2025. Online Orders only at Note: ALL Elementary students will get their picture taken, even if you do don't order. HIGH SCHOOL Online Pre-Order Password: 6H2W2Q7Y ELEMENTARY Online Pre-Order Password: 4D2S4S2V
2 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia Picture Day March 7th
Preschool screenings are April 24-25. Call 573-793-6267 to set up an appointment.
3 days ago, Shannon Shelton
Kindergarten registration dates are April 10-11. Call us at 793-6267 for an appointment. Get registered for the 2025-26 school year. Student must be 5 before August 1.
3 days ago, Shannon Shelton
Kindergarten screening for the 2025-2026 school year, such an exciting time! Student must be 5 before August 1. Call 573-793-6267 to make your appointment.
3 days ago, Shannon Shelton
JR High Track practice will be over at 4PM today, March 4th.
4 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia held a Frisco League Math Contast yesterday. Seven schools attended.
4 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
March Math Contest
March Math Contest
March Math Contest
March Math Contest
March Math Contest
Yearbooks are now on sale through March 14. Cost is $30 or $32 personalized. See a yearbook student to purchase.
5 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
OYSL Coach Pitch, softball, and baseball sign ups will be held at Iberia School in the Multi Purpose room March 10 5:30-7:30 March 14 4:30-7:00 during PTO carnival March 24 & 25 6:00-7:30 Cost: Coach Pitch-$15 Softball/Baseball $40 for 1 player, $60 2 players, $80 3 or more players.
5 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Digital tickets are available for Tomorrow Girls Basketball Game. Iberia vs Norwood. Cost is $10. Use this link. Click Girls Basketball, Click Class 2, Click Get Tickets Next to the Iberia vs Norwood Game, Next Click the link HAVE A PASSCODE. Presale Code: H7NK96. Purchase your ticket.
5 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Girls Basketball March 4th game informaiton
Summer School will be here before you know it!! This year’s theme is Dream Vacation. Oh the places we will go! Free breakfast and lunch. Come have a great learning experience! Students may sign up if they have not signed up and attended another summer school. Grades: entering K for the 2025 years through current 8th graders.
5 days ago, Shannon Shelton
Reminder: Have you checked your students lunch balance? Login to the Parent Powerschool portal. Online payment is available through the portal.
7 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
The Lady Rangers basketball team is playing for the district championship tomorrow at 3:00 in Laquey! Let’s have a sea of green that is loud and proud. The game will also be broadcast on radio station 102.3.
8 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia R-V March Breakfast and Lunch Menus
8 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia R-V Lunch Menu
Iberia R-V March Breakfast Menu
Iberia R-V 2025-26 Approved School calendar.
9 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
2025-26 Calendar
The Iberia R-V School District has the current openings for the 2025-2026 school year. Interested applicants should contact the High School Office. For more information Current Openings: High School Physical Education-Boys Head Basketball Coach High School Science Assistant JR High Girls Basketball coach Assistant HS Girls Baskeball coach Assistant HS Softball Coach
10 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia R-V Hiring
Menu change for tomorrow. Tomorrow's lunch will be a sack lunch.
11 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
menu change
Join Us for BeAlert - Tonight at 7PM in HS Gym. BeAlert is a FREE community presentation for adults on information on keeping our students safer when online.
12 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia School PICTURE DAY is coming Friday, March 7, 2025. Online Orders only at HIGH SCHOOL Online Pre-Order Password: 6H2W2Q7Y ELEMENTARY Online Pre-Order Password: 4D2S4S2V
12 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
Iberia Picture Day March 7th
Join Us for BeAlert - Tomorrow February 24th 7PM in HS Gym. BeAlert is a FREE community presentation for adults on information on keeping our students safer when online.
13 days ago, Iberia R-V Schools
BeAlert Feb 24th 7PM